There is a suffering group of Singaporeans that many of us are oblivious to. They are silent because of their ignorance or incapability. No one hears their muted cries for help. Their daily obsession with the struggle to find food or shelter renders them incapable of extracting themselves from their constant misery to any semblance of a basic acceptable human existence. In our fast-paced society where time is precious and speed is money, no one has the time to care for those who cannot help themselves.
I will be updating this post with more of my thoughts regarding this hidden tragedy that Singaporeans never saw. Meanwhile please take a few minutes of your precious time to look at this gem of a video by some enlightened students. Some moments of the videos are heart-wrenching.
We Have A Bloated Government
11 months ago
Hey you know, if our PAP leaders agree to equalize all of their salaries to that of, say perhaps USA or European counterparts, that frees up several millions a year for donating directly to the "neglible" minority number of destitutes in Singapore. Assuming 1 Minister goes from $2+ million a year to a "paltry" $1+ million, that is $1,000,000 freed to be given to the "minority"! Assuming they each require just $500 a month to survive (I mean, as Vivian Balakrishnan says, "How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?")>>> $1,000,000 = 166 minorities. So maybe if Vivian, Swee Say, Kim Yong, GCT, LKY, all can step forward right now to offer to earn a slightly less disgusting amount, hey, maybe we can really "eradicate poverty" in Singapore!